
Why need birthday candles on the cake?

It’s a gesture we always do when we celebrate our birthday: blowing out the candles on our cake, but do you know why? Like most people, you do it by tradition…

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If there’s one thing we see all the time on birthdays, it’s candles on the cake. The happy person of the day, encouraged by the songs of his or her loved ones, is asked to blow out the candles. It has become such a tradition that a birthday without candles is almost abnormal. It would be nice to see where this tradition came from and what it means.

Origin of birthday candles

The tradition of birthday candles goes back a long way, to the time of Ancient Greece. The Greeks used to celebrate the birthday of Artemis, goddess of the moon and fertility. For this purpose, they made honey cakes in the shape of the moon and decorated them with lit candles. The candles were supposed to represent the light of the goddess on earth. After invoking the goddess and sending their wishes, they blew out the candles. This tradition was overturned by the early Christians who called it pagan.

It was only around the 13th century that the ritual of birthday candles returned to Germany. It did not spread to the West until the 19th century. Since then, the candle ritual has been present at every birthday.

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Meaning of birthday candles

The flames of a candle represent purity and divine light. It is customary to make a wish before blowing out your birthday candle. When you blow out all the candles at once, it means that all your wishes will be fulfilled during the year. However, it depends on your beliefs. For some people, birthday candles are only used to decorate the cake and give it a charming look.

Variety of birthday candles

Birthday candles have undergone many changes over the years. Today there are all types of birthday candles. From the most ordinary to the most extravagant, there is something for everyone. Whatever the theme of your birthday party, you can be sure to find the perfect candle.



Contact: Cici Ren

Phone: +86 15373024760


Add: Zijingyuecheng 11-5,Tangu North Street NO.62, Chang'an District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China.